2.1 - Ambal


During this early time, the humans still primarily lived as nomads, making small settlements and exploring the new lands while trying to shape them with their limited knowledge of magic and purification. Among the tribes living within Ambal’s lands, five of those tribes were the most active and organized, and although each was very different from the other, they were still friendly and would help each other in times of need. Yet after each time of help, they would separate once again, fearful that their different beliefs would cause eventual conflict.

Each of the tribes was governed by their strong beliefs, like the Camantians, who were guided by a fierce sense of justice and a strict code of honor. The Vaian, on the other hand, were led by their unwavering faith in Mother Nature herself. Despite their noble hearts, both groups struggled to sustain themselves in the wild and constantly evolving nature of their world. The land was prone to sudden shifts, with groves of trees sprouting up overnight and rivers appearing out of nowhere. These transformations were often prompted by the passing of Primeval Spirits, mighty entities that roamed the land and left their mark on the world. The tribes worked hard to cultivate the land and establish a social structure to support their growing communities, but they were constantly tested by the challenges of nature and the influence of otherworldly forces.

Beyond the humans, the lands were also home to the tenko, who worked tirelessly to tame the wild flora and create habitable forests for themselves. The tenko had a special connection with the plants, able to communicate with them and coax them into growing in intricate patterns. The yoro, on the other hand, preferred to live in seclusion, building elaborate clay constructions in the caves and mountains that dotted the landscape. These structures, made from a special clay that seemed to have a life of its own, were a testament to the yoro's ingenuity and creativity. Despite their differences, the tenko and yoro played important roles in the world, shaping the landscape and adding to the diversity of the land.

But perhaps the greatest threat came from the Tormented Spirits and Shadows, powerful and often aggressive entities that roamed the land and caused chaos wherever they went. These dangers tested the resilience and ingenuity of the early peoples, forcing them to adapt and find ways to survive and thrive in the face of adversity.

2.2 - The Dangers in the Shadows


Shadows were the most common threats in Ambal, as they were generally aggressive to living beings, and if they weren’t attacking creatures, they were usually attempting to leech their life and power.

It wasn’t known where the shadows came from or how they came into being, or even if they reproduced. However, not all of them were aggressive, and some just hunted for survival. The sizes and shapes of shadows varied from small to huge, and usually, the bigger Shadows were stronger and didn’t feel the need to hunt in packs like the smaller ones did. Yet even though they leached life when they could, the shadows didn’t become much stronger—this draining of life-force was just their way of survival, similar to the hunting and feeding of other predators.

Despite their varying strength and weakness, the dark, gaseous bodies and diverse shapes of Shadows struck fear into all those who faced them. It is still said today that if an area is lifeless, such as the dead part of a forest, this might be due to the influences of Shadows.

As with many of the beings of Erra, Shadows are not simple things, and they are capable of connection and communication. Even though they are unable to speak, Shadows are still adept at transmitting feelings and desires, and may even sometimes create a genuine connection with other beings.

Despite their darkness, it is important to note that Shadows, terrifying or not, were still part of Mother Nature, and therefore natural. Perhaps they existed in order to provide a necessary balance – the darkness to the light, or perhaps they were simply the result of negative vibrations caused during the creation of Erra. They are one of many mysteries of life within the wonders of Mother Nature and the Unity.

2.3 - The Tragedy of the Tormented Spirits


Tormented Spirits were a completely different entity, and quite different from the Shadows.

Once a part of Mother Nature’s energy, Tormented Spirits were formed in violence, out of some trauma or deep corruption of a land, creature, lake or vegetation. In that trauma, the balance was broken, and wildness and chaos were unleashed as Tormented Spirits, capable of extreme destruction.

Still, these Spirits are not evil. Tormented Spirits are not typically thinking, aware beings—instead, they are a raw reaction to chaos, a mass of destruction without control over their actions and powers. Still, the violence of Tormented Spirits can threaten the energy balance of everything around them, as ruptures in the primal energy fabric that connects the entirety of Mother Nature. The only way to stop the brutality and destruction of Tormented Spirits is through the purification powers embedded in every living creature, which were able to be harnessed in order to stop a tormented spirit after it was weakened, so that its energy would become part of Mother Nature once again.

Feeling the struggles of the species living within its realms in these earliest of days, Mother Nature allied with Tenhogo, the Primeval Spirit that formed the sky, and with his help brought into existence four powerful beings. These beings, each in the form of a different giant beast, descended from the sky's domain to the troubled land and began to do their part to assist in the creation of a more peaceful and prosperous terrain.